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Marianne Couderé

Certified Yoga Teacher, Svastha Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Massage Therapist and Owner of Yogasthana

32 (0)477 42 83 78


Marianne Couderé is passionate about yoga, Ayurveda and other Eastern philosophies as preventive and healing self-care approaches that can bring insight into self-development and personal well-being.

Yogasthana offers tailor-made sessions, aimed at developing (life) skills that contribute to improving physical and mental health. These sessions are based on a balanced cocktail of ancient wisdoms, sciences and philosophies such as yoga, ayurveda and modern western medical research. Based on her personal experiences as a cancer patient with chronic neurological pain and PTSD, she offers unique insights into how to achieve the best possible quality of life during and after treatments, and in managing challenging health conditions in general.

She has been practicing yoga for over 30 years and is a certified yoga teacher, Svastha yoga therapist and Ayurvedic massage therapist. Marianne was trained by renowned teachers, doctors from home and abroad and has been studying Yogic Mindfulness with AG Mohan and Indra Mohan for many years and has followed several courses with Nitya Mohan, Dr Katy Jane and Shantala Sriramaiah on Vedic chanting for therapeutic purposes.

Marianne works not only with Ayurvedic doctors and therapists but also with Western doctors and therapists and the approach is therefore unique and highly personalized in health integration.

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